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Get it music free mp3 Gema Takbir Takbiran Indah Dan Merdu, 20 files with music albums collec. Gema Takbir Takbiran Indah Dan Merdu mp3 download free size:7.27 MB. He is the creator of protagonist and several other, and can be considered the father of Mega Man, Roll, and Proto Man. Light Doctor Thomas Light, known in Japan as Doctor Thomas Right ( トーマス・ライト, Tōmasu Raito), is depicted as an aged scientist, who is a peerless. This ability can also be used by Protoman and Bass. Due to his Variable Weapons System, he can copy the weapon of any Robot Master he defeats in combat and use it as his own. Wily reprogrammed the original Robot Masters. Originally created as a lab assistant named 'Rock', he was modified for battle after the disgruntled Dr. Main article: Mega Man, known in Japan as Rockman ( ロックマン, Rokkuman) is the hero of the games, created by Dr. Rockman.EXE 1-56 Complete subtitle Indonesia, BakaDesu, Rockman.EXE 1-56 Complete subtitle Indonesia.